HVAC System DesignsStatic Pressure RegainUTILIZING:
(ACTUAL PROPOSAL) Proposed HVAC System Using Vari-Flow & VAV Diffusers And Regain Duct Design For California State Office Building 8 & 9 Renovation The proposed system eliminates the use of dual duct VAV boxes. The building is exposure zoned as illustrated. A primary thermostat for each zone controls the four perimeter zones. The thermostats have individual cooling and heating set points. A hot air and cold air control damper will be used on each of the four primeter zones to reduce medium pressure supply air to (static pressure controlled) low pressure. Static pressure controlled supply air is distributed to the Vari-Flow VAV diffusers with individual temperature set points. The core of the building is laid out for cooling only as there will be no heat loss in the core. A cold air control damper and static pressure controller are used to reduce cold medium pressure supply air to low pressure. Constant sized regain run-outs will supply low-pressure air to the Vari-Flow& diffusers. NEXT: Advantages of Vari-Flow system vs. dual duct VAV box system. |